Friday, August 16, 2013

2013 The Year Of Understanding Your Credit.

Its a new year, we have all made our new years resolutions and hopefully now that were a few weeks in were all keeping them. I know for me that has not happened yet, but hey there is still time, and who wants to wake up early to exercise? Not me….
I have had many clients tell me that this year they really want to buckle down and tackle their credit. This is a great goal, and one that is really not as hard as you would think it is. The fastest and easiest way to make this happen is to enroll in our credit monitoring service. Inside you will find all your credit laid out in an easy to read format, and lots of articles to read deeper into why your credit score is what it is. That said for those of who do not want to jump into a credit monitoring service just yet, no problem just keep reading.
Your credit score is actually pretty simple to understand. The higher the number the better lenders will treat you. The lower the score the more you will pay. And to keep with our ultra simple explanation, if you pay your bills on time, your score should go up. If you pay your bills late your score will go down. Ok there are many more factors that all used than just your ability to pay your bills on time and you can read much more in depth about it here. While your credit score is only one piece in your credit profile it is a very important piece. Having a good credit score will make large purchases much cheaper in the long run. For example if you are looking to buy a new car, in this economy lenders are hurting and will reward your great credit with 0% financing. If your credit is damaged or poor you could end up paying up to the 15% or higher interest. This high interest rate could end up costing you thousands of dollars over the term of the loan! Not to mention your monthly car payment will be quite a bit more than if you had excellent credit.
Your credit report also contains information on if you have any public notices against you. This could be liens from back taxes. Judgements , or anything that shows on your public records. This is by far one of the biggest advantages of a credit monitoring service, you will see exactly what is on your public records, and if anything changes you will know within 24 hours.
Over the next few months will are going to be diving into the exciting world of credit (ok nobody every says that) and by the end of the year you all will be ready to for the lecture circuit with all your knowledge. I am looking forward to 2013!

Get more information about credit monitoring, credit monitoring service, credit score monitoring, credit reports Please CLICK HERE 

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